
     这一集的原著是阿婆自己也非常喜爱的一部.     这一集里其实出现了几个案子都还是很有意思的,第一就算算计成意外的弓箭杀人了.     零时,谋杀的开始?谋杀的结束?侦查的开始?一般谋杀案都是开篇即已发生,这一篇的真正谋杀其实在最后,加上双重伪证法使自己脱罪还刻意陷害到他人,想法太腹黑了.     堪称完美.     先前忍不住已经循环了无数遍原声碟,这次看起正片来带入感颇强.     科恩电影符号化的事物和讽刺精神犹在,但在建构上却完全不同.     影片本身的情绪即是民谣的诉说,影像近乎旋律化.     这里没有完整的故事,落魄重复的生活琐事便是作者所思.     饥寒交迫,日复一日,吾等前赴后继,唯有迪伦加冕,挣扎过后,再见.     The new film, “A Trip to Gibberitia” (“Le Voyage en Charabie”), is an original story from Guillaume Mautalent and Sebastien Oursel, though it is still based on the IP and characters of the original books. It’s described as a new adventure that takes Ernest and Celestine back to Ernest’s country, Gibberitia, to fix his broken violin. This exotic land is home to the best musicians on earth and music constantly fills the air with joy. However, upon arriving, our two heroes discover that all forms of music have been banned there for many years – and for them, a life without music is unthinkable. Along with their friends and a mysterious masked outlaw, Ernest and Celestine must try their best to bring music and happiness back to the land of bears..



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